Resus C4

Resus C4: Septic shock, Pressor Angst, and Vaso vs. Epi

Clinical questions addressed in this C4

  • What should be the first-line vasopressor in septic shock?
  • What is the correct timing to initiate vasopressor therapy?
  • What’s your contingency pressor if your NE doses are escalating?
  • What are some of your resuscitation end-points in the patient with septic shock?
  • Resus C4 Series

    We are excited about a new educational series that has developed out of the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Emergency Medicine Resuscitation Rotation.  The goal will be to: Ask 4

    Resus C4: Mechanical Ventilation & RSI

    Clinical questions addressed in this C4

  • Is there an optimal sedative for RSI in the shocked patient?
  • OK the patient is intubated, now what vent settings do you use?
  • How often do we prescribe lung protective ventilation strategies in the ED?
  • What are the common causes of respiratory distress in the intubated patient?
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